Skin Strong Blog

Random thoughts of an endurance athlete
I have always maintained that endurance athletes (I included myself in that statement even if right now my distances are short in comparison) are a little bit and sometimes a lot crazy. We tend to ...

I Want To Set You A Challenge
I want to set you a practical challenge. You see words (and thoughts) have power. Not just a little power a LOT of power. This year we are all about embracing your power, and smashing through limit...

Stop Making Resolutions
Yep, it’s a bold statement. Stay with me as I explain. I am writing this at the dawn of a brand-new year. This means the talk of New Year Resolutions is abundant and a little daunting, to be honest...

Winter Training Blues
Let me set the scene – it’s 7.30 in the morning and it’s still pitch black outside. The rain is alternating between pelting down and a depressing drizzle. You can see each and every breath in fr...

Embrace The Force
There is a saying that I love. “Running is a mental sport. And yes, we are all insane.”
I am not sure who said it initially, but it often rings true for me. It resonates with me. It ties in perfect...

5 Things Active Humans Should Never Do
You may not know this about me but I used to be a Pilates instructor. I LOVED it. I was a super hands on, passionate, small group class (max of 4 participants) teacher. During this time and as I ha...

Our Chafe Prevention Top Tips
Let’s face it chafing really does suck – sometimes at the time, it happens and especially in the shower afterwards! We all know that face you make when the water and sweat combine and hit all those...